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Pass Over

"As the racist/bully cop, Brincks never falls into easy stereotype and instead brings a menace to his performance that feels uniquely fresh. 

But it’s his portrayal of the gentleman that really impresses. Genteel on the surface, kind in the moment, but full of biases, blind spots, and micro-aggressions, Brincks plays the perfect combination of swell and detestable with un-rushed questionable charm and enraging feigned ignorance. If there’s an award for final moments on stage, Brincks will get my nod for a performance so affecting that I honestly forgot to breathe for several minutes."   

  -Houston Press


 Private Lives

"Brincks is as cool as the moonlit night that greets the audience at the start of the play... He’s also glib, pompous, and condescending, with a mean streak...In the second act, Black and Brincks get to play the full range of their characters, the tragedy of their dysfunctional relationship on full display."

-Houston Press


" Mr. Brincks brings his own sense of masculinity and marries it to Coward's effete words and creates a new persona... he brings a modern male sensibility to this character. He's far more physical, and we can believe his lady killer status all too easily." 

-Broadway World

A Lie of the Mind


"When Alan Brincks (Jake) first appears in the opening scene, making a panicked and pained phone call to his brother reporting his abuse of Beth, we sit back and think holy crap, we’re in for a ride. Brincks’ energy and willingness to unleash are all there."

-Houston Press

Romeo and Juliet

"In multiple roles, ... Alan Brincks astound(s) with versatility...and the best rendering of the 'Queen Mab' speech, by Brincks' Mercutio."


-Philadelphia Inquirer

"Brincks plays several roles. He is firm and commanding as Verona’s duke, disgusted at the disturbance the Capulet-Montague rivalry causes. He is marvelous as Mercutio."




The Mandrake

"Brincks does a spectacular job as the frustrated lover, lustily thrusting in the direction of his problems."


-Talkin' Broadway

"Alan Brincks plays the sex-stricken philanderer Callimaco, and his phallic references are constant and always hilarious."


-DC Metro Theatre Arts


The Three Musketeers


"Alan Brincks brings great amiability to Aramis, the Musketeer who seems to look on his and his comrades’ adventures as entertaining escapades and whose nonchalance lends the Musketeers an air of urbanity. You can see why he would be successful with women. Brincks gets to show his antic side with the inept servant, Patrick."

Green Eyes

"Brincks' Mr. Dunphy seems dangerously unstable and constantly on the edge of a psychotic break."



"William's character driven story is propelled by the incredibly strong acting of Markey and is impossible to look away, even as the scenes become progressively more dangerous and difficult to watch." 


"Alan Brincks, who plays Claude Dunphy, is athletic and commanding presence... he’s a spring still fully coiled, behind his bare-chest and mirrored sunglasses".



Mourning Becomes Electra
"The performances in this production were all spot-on...We also meet Peter (Alan Brincks) who is in love with Vinnie...Brincks was a wonderful foil for everyone"


"Alan Brincks tackled the wicked nature of Iago like a champion, handling his insane amount of dialogue and narration

without breaking a sweat."


"Macbeth is played by Alan Brincks, a tall, muscular actor who wouldn’t look out of place in an Army recruitment ad. Physically impressive, Brincks is easily believable as one of the finest soldiers in Scotland."


Henry V

"Alan Brincks as the Dauphin — charismatic, self-absorbed, mistakenly gloating with French lords on the eve of battle — makes a fine foil for the English monarch."

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